Let me guess; you…
- are a Webmaster or Advertiser
- were searching for either search search.dll sofocus bs or search search.dll sofocus pf on Overture
- wondered why there were 297,594 searches for these key phrases or terms; so, you searched (Google, Yahoo, MSN) it and found little competition for the phrase
- still wondering what it was, you found yourself reading this blog
This phrase (search search.dll sofocus bs/pf) is actually so highly popular because of Webmasters’ automated requests that read data from Overture and then send their requests to either Yahoo, AltaVista, AllTheWeb, etc., and scrape the search results from these search engines.
Because of these automated requests, Overture then reports them as “highly” searched.
Next, the Webmaster has their server cache these results to their database, and then provides these scraped search engine results on their site and displays ads along side them.
How this could have started was probably from a messed-up eBay search — although I’m not entirely sure, it’s just a thought:
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