Deceptive Internet Marketing

In case you’re wondering, this post is not going to be a rant on Acai berry rebills.  This is going to be more about how marketers are channeling a customer’s motivation or knowledge to buy a certain product in a deceptive way.

Barack Obama – example 1

Okay, a simple search for “barack obama” reveals these results:


The marketer purchased a near perfect domain name for this idea ( would have perhaps appeared more “official”).

In the United States, there have been bailouts, bailout requests, and stimulus checks issued.  U.S. citizens know that Obama has even more plans for stimulus payments.

In this case, an affiliate (of MarketLeverage–promoting Grant Doctor), is promoting free trials of grant packages.  You can double check this by going to > click the link on the bottom > and follow the redirects via LiveHTTPheaders or

So, in conclusion, is this really Obama’s Stimulus Program?  No.

But, we do see that a deceptive marketer should be able to gain credibility and additionally remain fairly relevant (as there are similarities between grants and Government stimulus programs).

PS: And, there was an FTC notice about this.  Affiliates promoting this way could expect big fines.

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One response to “Deceptive Internet Marketing”

  1. panduanforum Avatar

    Wow! what an idea ! What a concept ! Beautiful .. Amazing

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