Marketing & Psychology of the “Neg” Theory

This has been used on purpose by copywriters for a long period of time to drive more sales.  It works based on admitting imperfection and appearing to show disqualification.

Marketing a product/service as being the best or perfect is ridiculous.  And, most consumers know this, but it’s continually done by brands and marketers.  Admitting imperfections may actually help you get more conversions.

The “Neg”

The “Neg” is a technique used by well-known PUAs (pick up artists).  Yes, it may seem strange to use a dating technique for copywriting.  However, both marketing and dating heavily rely on psychology.

There is a PUA known by Mystery (Erik von Markovik) in the community.  I had first heard of him after he went to Affiliate Summit West 09.  Interestingly, he’s also had a show on VH1 called The Pickup Artist.  Here is some of what he has written about the Neg:

During this time, her [the woman you wish to attract] intention is to get you to become like all the other guys so she can feel in control and snub you. Then you give her another Neg like this: “Is that a hair piece?  Well, it’s neat… what do you call this hairstyle? The waffle?”  Smile and look at her to show her you are sincerely being funny and not insulting.  You are pleasant but disinterested in her beauty. This will intrigue her because she knows guys.  And this isn’t normal.  You must have really high taste, or be used to girls, or be married or something.  These questions make her curious.  So this keeps happening and is known as flirting. She gives you little negs and these tests are qualifiers.  You pass them by negging her back.  After all, you aren’t like the others showing interest.  But… why not?…

A neg is a qualifier.  The girl is failing to meet your high expectations.  It’s not an insult, just a judgment call on your part. You’re not even trying to make her feel bad (so it seems.)  It’s the same as if you pulled out a tissue and blew your nose. There’s nothing insulting about blowing your nose.  You haven’t explicitly rejected her.  But at the same time, she will sincerely believe that you aren’t trying to impress her.  This creates curiosity and makes you a challenge.

The Neg can be used as an appeared disqualification or for provoking interest or curiosity.


Actually, this technique is being used in marketing constantly.  We can relate the Neg to a marketing disqualification or for the imperfect compliment.

Marketing disqualification

As a copywriter, you want people to read your ad copy.  If they don’t, you cannot sell to them.

Marketing Neg
Example ad headline utilizing Neg Theory.

Here’s an example, observed by John Caples (well-known copywriter) and mentioned in his book, Tested Advertising Methods:

When newspaper readers first saw this ad, they gasped with amazement.  Never before had they seen an ad that said: “Don’t buy.”  All previous ads had said “Buy…buy…buy.”  Thus the headline of the ad accomplished its purpose.  It stopped people and made them read.  The ad was so successful in selling desks that it was used over and over again. (pg. 52)

This was a negative disqualification that was able to provoke curiosity so well, the ad was read and resulted in sales after consumers read the entire copy.  Additionally, story appeal and news headlines also utilize marketing disqualification well, but we’re not going to discuss this technique at this time since it doesn’t directly utilize Neg Theory.

The imperfect compliment should complement

For this technique, copywriters have to be very careful.  They can give a brand a poor name if done improperly.  At the moment, I know of two situations this technique has been used quite effectively.  Essentially, a copywriter’s ad copy will pick apart the product’s imperfections and eventually by the end of the ad copy, these minor imperfections are overcome in some way.

For the first example, you’ve likely seen the confession-style ad copy.  This typically utilizes an authority in a field or industry confessing something about a product, service or even him/herself.  Jeff Sexton wrote an article on what he calls “Reverse Camouflage“:

Want to stand out?  Sharply define the edges between you and your competitors.

The better you do this, the more strongly you’ll turn-off some customers.  But wouldn’t you rather powerfully persuade some of your market than be overlooked by all of it?

Just follow the example of this doctor:

I found this ad in my local newspaper and was immediately struck by the bold headline:

“You don’t want me to be your family doctor.” [Click here to view the advertisement]

Pretty ballsy headline for a doctor, huh?  Wouldn’t you feel compelled to read more about this doctor with the courage to so brazenly declare what he wasn’t?

Having gained the reader’s attention, the body copy further explains: “Neurosurgery is one of the few medical specialties for which I am well-suited.  I am not warm and fuzzy.  I could never be successful as a pediatrician or in a family practice – no one would come back a second time.  But I am very good at what I do.”

Dr. Goodman then substantiates his claimed expertise with a list of very impressive professional qualifications and accomplishments, rounded off with some examples of his extreme commitment to surgical excellence and his patients’ well-being.

While his professional qualifications are truly outstanding, most readers would never have read them without Dr. Goodman’s use of reverse camouflage in his headline.  Saying what he wasn’t allowed him to stand out amidst the clutter.

In the above example, the imperfect compliment is used to solely gather attention and readers.  There is also a technique used to up sell products and services.

Consumers are aware that there is no such thing as a perfect product.  Some copywriters have come to the conclusion that they can sell more than one product to the consumer to become more believable.  This is widely used in the beauty industry.

Look at skin care products, for example.  Most products in this industry are sold for specific purposes.  The same skin care product ingredients could be sold to decrease wrinkles around your eyes and around any other part of your face.  However, it is more believable to sell the same product in different labeling — such as a separate labeling for eyes, forehead wrinkles, neck wrinkles, etcetera.

Another example of this is the emergence of flogs with use of the “dynamic duo.”  These are fake blogs written in the form of a testimonial for two or more products.  Essentially, the copywriter writes about the benefits of each product and how they complement each other and how using both is the only way to get the desired results.  This technique works well since you can (in theory, anyway) double your sales and also appear more “honest” with admitting that no product is perfect.

In summary, the Neg Theory has at least two purposes in marketing:

  1. Since people are used to being told to buy countless times in any one day, you disqualify your ad copy by using a non-selling headline (i.e., “Don’t buy X”).  This allows people to read your copy much easier if they’re not looking to buy at the moment.  You cannot sell if consumers will not read your message.
  2. The imperfect compliment makes your copy more realistic and believable.  It may also have some effective attention grabbing benefits.

PS: Don’t ask me for advice on pickup; just a friend told me about the “Neg.”

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2 responses to “Marketing & Psychology of the “Neg” Theory”

  1. Sylvia Petricivic Avatar

    I think I may have become a fan of your blog… Thanks.

  2. Margarito Sawada Avatar

    Hey everyone, greetings from Finland. This is a cool site. I’m wondering if you have any advice on staying out of the friend zone with women? I’m really tired of girls telling me they just want to be friends. Perhaps I’m being too much of a nice guy?

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