How to Artificially Boost Your Keyword Density

keyword-density.pngI, previously, wrote an article on simple ways of placing more emphasis on certain keywords than on others.  In this post, I hope to explain how to improve your keyword density up to 60% without raising any red flags with Google. (And as far as I know, this isn’t BlackHat).

However, this tactic can be quite time consuming. So, I’d highly recommend this tactic for mostly just your important website pages.

When you write your web-pages, you need to write sentences filled with synonyms of your main keyword-phrase. For those of you in Rio Linda, that means writing with related keywords instead of using your exact target phrase numerous times. (I doubt any of you will understand that joke 😉 ).

Okay, but what does Google consider “related”?

  1. Google’s (Pay Per Click) Keyword Tool – Put in your phrase, hit “get keyword ideas” and see what Google recommends under the headline “Additional keywords to consider.” (You should also try this with each individual keyword of your phrase to see if you can acquire anymore variations).
  2. Tilde Google Search – For example, Google: ~online ~translation. After this, you will gather additional related words.

How would I use this? Using the example of the “online translation.” I could end up writing: Our free online translator uses multiple language dictionaries (including English).

In the above example, I only crossed out non-related keywords (according to Google). With a total of 10 words, 6 of them are related to our phrase.  This would essentially equate to a 60% density.

In conclusion, this is a very simple example but effective technique.

However, if you focus on using this extensive research for each one your sentences, you’ll never be able to create a functional website.

And, for a disclaimer, this technique could set off a “manual” review if your pages look and sound ridiculous.


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4 responses to “How to Artificially Boost Your Keyword Density”

  1. Tom Avatar

    Do you believe density is still at all relevant?

  2. Mike Avatar

    Yes. You just need to experiment with it. I’ve, personally, used this technique with other websites.

  3. Mike Avatar

    @”James Hunter”: I’ve been to WF, you can’t persuade me to go to that link 😉

    I removed the link (and your comment). Your email is probably fake. Your IP is “” and you’re from toronto, canada. I’ll see if I can get you blacklisted from Akismet (WP’s spam detector). Have a wonderful day!

  4. Jennifer Manson Avatar

    I will appreciate if you provide more details on this. Thanks.

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